Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Travel

INTRODUCTION In this blog post, I am gonna brief you about Black holes, Worm holes and Time travelling. Black Holes Black Holes are giant objects present in open universe and you can't see them with naked eye, they can only be located with the help of radioactive waves. These objects form when stars burn out of gas and along with this, the star goes through a supernova, all the dust particles and outer layers of the massive star are thrown off in the explosion, light rays increasingly bent by gravity as core collapses and the core which is greater than three solar masses collapses under its own gravity and density, pressure and temperature of core increases as core collapses and the core shrinks beyond its event horizon to become a black hole and even light rays cannot escape this giant object as its gravitational pull is very strong. So, it's not a good idea to go near a black hole as it will swallow you like a noodle. Many theories suggest that there is a giant black hole in...